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Explore Proeftuin CEG Testing Ground

15 mei 2022
Explore Proeftuin CEG Testing Ground

LesLab publishing house

LesLab develops teaching methods that help young people prepare for their future. These are CEG methods (Career Education and Guidance) and responsible citizenship teaching methods. Both are creative teaching methods that have been developed in collaboration with teachers, scientists, students and parents. The methods focus on reflection, 21st century skills and the discovery of talents and possibilities.

Explore Proeftuin CEG Testing Ground

Proeftuin, freely translated as Testing Ground, is the teaching method for CEG. It focuses on the Gatsby Benchmarks, soft skills, and personal development of students between the ages of 11 and 17. The method helps students to actively develop their own strengths, get a realistic self-image and make a future plan. Proeftuin focusses on three different parts of self-development: school and study, work and career and personal growth. Besides this holistic approach, Proeftuin creates a seamless interaction between teacher, student and dean. Proeftuin consists of 24 themes that are divided into two parts: Junior High (ages 11-14 years) and Senior High (ages 14-17 years). Each theme consists of four active lessons.

Teachers and deans

To learn about oneself is to experiment and experience. But every class is different, and so is every teacher.

This is why every lesson is equipped with three different versions that all serve the same goal. Every version consists of a presentation with activities and experiments that lead to an exercise. It is up to the teacher to decide which version fits the teaching style or particular class best. In short: here is always a way of teaching that fits your needs.

To make this user friendly, we’ve developed a convenient teacher tool. With this tool, teachers can choose their lessons, and teachers and deans can monitor students and manage classes.

Discover all the advantages of our innovative student environment. And build a complete career file together.


Each lesson contains one exercise. During this exercise, the student processes the experiences and skills gained during the activities. The fourth lesson has a special exercise that combines the skills and knowledge that students have gathered over the course of the previous three lessons. This fourth exercise is called the Final Assignment, and is automatically added to the student’s Career Portfolio. This way, students can collect proof of their development in one place.

Last but not least, there is Test that is part of every theme. This can for instance be a career choice test, a conflict regulation test or a test of qualities and pitfalls. The results of these tests are automatically added to the student profile. A teacher or dean has access to a complete and up to date overview of the development, skills and talents of the student. This is important information when guiding students in their career.

Digital first

Our software is developed in the same code as Google, Facebook, and Instagram. We guarantee the same smooth user experience students are used to when using social media. On top of that, Proeftuin is an absolute gem to look at. Every page is different, and every exercise has its own look and feel – developed by UX-designers and illustrators. Functionality and design reinforce each other. The software will be improved and expanded in the future based on user feedback.

“Digital first” stands for the centralizing mobile devices in the classroom. However, centralizing mobile devices comes with safety challenges. Data processed with Proeftuin is person-sensitive information. Therefore, security is paramount. Data that is saved and in The Netherlands is protected by the most secure rules and requirements.

Map Proeftuin

Short tour teacher and student

What we are looking for

LesLab wants to help more students with their personal growth and skill development. To achieve this, we are looking for creative, digitally minded educational publishers in other countries to team up with.

We are looking for partners who know the details of the educational system of the country they are based in and who know how to reach decision makers in schools. We provide the methods, the software and the knowledge we have collected over the years. Our work has been published successfully in the Netherlands and the Caribbean.



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